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Marketing Consulting-Marketing Studies
To help you to understand the market and to provide you accurate information, Oriental Marketing Services conducts specific market studies for your specific projects.

Through our office network, we run Research and analysis in the 4 main Chinese cities: Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Guangzhou but also in the developing cities such as Chengdu, Dalian, Tianjin, Harbin, Chongqing, Wuhan... Thanks to our methodology, we give our clients and partners all the information they need succeed in China.

Marketing Studies

Market Size
Competitive Analysis
Customer Behavior
Market Potential
Success Key Factors
Brand equity research
Promotion policies
Target Definition
Market Trends
Retail Network Analysis
Price Policy Survey

Marketing Studies - Methods

Official Statistics and Economics Research
Comprehensive field Survey
Face to face interviews with Key People
Qualitative Group discussion with Consumers (Panel)
Quantitative Research
Case Study


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